Flaxseed: Powerful Protection Against Prostate Cancer

Pamela Egan Practical Practitioner


By: Pamela Egan, FNP-C CDE



Flaxseed: Powerful Protection Against Prostate Cancer



A dear physician friend of mine was recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. He underwent a bone scan last week for it was feared that it had spread to the bone. He described this diagnosis as “driving on a highway and suddenly being hit by an eighteen wheeler.” This prominent professor of cardiology in a large medical school had never had a PSA (prostate specific antigen) screen for prostate cancer. He woke up one day and suddenly couldn’t urinate.

From 1995 to 2001, the number of men aged 50 to 59 being diagnosed with prostate cancer jumped by 45 percent. That does not mean a new epidemic is upon us. Thanks to better awareness of prostate cancer and the use of PSA blood testing, more tumors are being found and earlier.

PSA testing is controversial, however. While a high PSA level may indicate prostate cancer, it might also just mean that a man has an enlarged prostate- a common, and benign finding in aging men. False positives can be very distressing.

Prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms early in its course and is frequently detected before any symptoms develop. When symptoms do occur, they often begin with a slow or weak urinary stream, a need to urinate more often, blood in the urine, swollen lymph nodes in the groin area, impotence and/or pain in the pelvis, spine, hips or ribs.

The cause of prostate cancer is unknown, although medical research suggests a combination of hormonal and inherited factors and perhaps dietary and environmental causes. Most prostate cancers grow very slowly, and the disease is very manageable- and even curable, unlike many forms of cancer – if detected early.

In honor of Father’s Day, the following health information may help prevent prostate cancer or improve your loved ones response to treatment.

Flaxseed oil has long been used to prevent prostate cancer. Researchers in this study tested to see if flaxseed might actually alter the course of the disease. One ounce of ground flaxseeds, taken daily, along with a low-fat diet, improved a number of biomarkers that not only prevent but decrease the tumors aggressiveness and improve response to treatment. Total cholesterol was also reduced by 13 percent in just one month.

Ground flaxseeds are effective in treating prostate cancer due to their beneficial effect on hormone levels. Flaxseeds contain high quantities of lignans, fiber-related compounds that bind to testosterone and increase the elimination of this hormone from the body. Lignans also act as phytoestrogens, thereby helping inhibit prostate cancer formation and growth.

A number of studies have shown that flaxseeds have similar results on the hormone levels of women. In addition of regulating healthy ovulation, ground flax protects women against osteoporosis and breast cancer. Your entire family benefit from this nutrient-rich food.

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