Women’s Wellness
Nurse Practitioner Egan specializes in providing the very best in women’s healthcare services.
Women’s bodies are very different from those of men, and it is no secret that women have special health needs that are substantially different from the needs of our male counterparts. The medical and health services provided by Nurse Practitioner Egan were specially designed with women in mind.
From bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and menopause services to dedicated ObGyn care, N.P. Egan has designed a comprehensive healthcare program created by women, for women.
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*** New Location ***
Wellness & Anti-Aging Clinic
1116 W. 21’st Ave.
Covington, Louisiana 70433
Phone: (985) 892-3031
Fax: (985) 892-9504
Email: info@pamelaegan.com