Bio-identical Hormones
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
A major key to menopause relief is hormone balance, and the knowledge that hormones work in tandem with a healthy mind and body. Pam Egan, FNP-C CDE, is pleased to offer natural, bio-identical hormones that your body recognizes and knows what to do with.
Are you a candidate for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy?
Hormone Profile
1. My menstrual periods are irregular.
2. I experience hot-flashes or night sweats.
3. I have insomnia or disturbed sleep.
4. I feel unusually tired, especially in the afternoon.
5. I am irritable, sad or depressed.
6. I feel like I have gained weight since last year.
7. My interest in sex isn’t what it used to be.
8. I crave sweets, carbohydrates or alchohol.
9. I suffer from vaginal dryness.
10. I experience bloating, gas or frequent diarrhea.
11. I am forgetful, fuzzy-minded or confused.
12. I am anxious, or I have sudden anxiety attacks.
13. I have tension headaches or migranes.
14. I have stiff or achy joints, especially in the morning.
15. I sometimes feel overwhelmed, or just not myself.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) – Covington, LA